Karen 10th November 2017

And this one too mum from the lovely Dr Gordon Gancz xx ---- I was very sorry to hear of your mother's death and I apologise that email is not the correct way to write about it but, since I am in France, other methods now would not reach you before her funeral, if at all. Firstly, I apologise that I cannot be there. As you well know she has been my friend since Churchill Hospital days in the early 1970s when she was the first port-of-call for any problem on ward 15. If she didn't know what was going on then nobody did and that knowledge kept a junior doctor out of trouble with difficult consultants and bullying sisters alike. It was a wonderful compliment that she subsequently was happy to be one of my patients giving me confidence that perhaps I really could be a Gp (far harder than than being a consultant). I shall be thinking of you all on the 19th. It was a privilege to have known her.